Friday, September 30, 2016

1 Down, 39 More Months of High School To Go!

Wow! I've already finished one month of high school! That's crazy to think that just 30 days ago, I had no idea about what high school was going to be like, and now I'm a pro. I've learned many things in my first few weeks here at RHS. I've learned that the work gets harder, but they give you more freedom. I have also learned that it is not easy to navigate your way around the school, but you figure it out sooner or later. I found out about how much fun high school is because they trust you with everything. Here they don't hold your hand, you're on your own. So far, the best thing about starting high school is meeting new people and making new friends through the various clubs I have joined. Being in clubs is fun because you make new friends and you really learn a new skill. I also loved meeting my teachers because they are great people and I have fun learning in their class. My least favorite part of high school so far is the work because I am not used to having this much homework in one night. Otherwise, high school is a pretty amazing place and I'm so lucky to be able to spend the next four years here!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

One God, A Few Personalities, Many Characterizations

In the past couple of days, we have talked about indirect characterization and how any and every character can be characterized in an indirect way. One main character we have been talking about is "god." God is worshipped by many religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He is referred to as Hashem, Adonai, Allah, and Father. He is the center of many religions and has great power. He is capable of anything and everything and essentially, he was the creator of the universe and everything that comes with it. In class, we read the first 10 sections of Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, the first part of the Bible. When we read the story of Adam and Eve, we realized that after Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God lost all trust in humanity and could never treat us the same way agin. This shows that he is not forgiving and that his main philosophy is learning from your mistakes defines humanity. We saw that god was stubborn in a way, yet he also cared about his two "children." We also studied the story of Noah. In this story, god wipes out the human race but saves one family and every animal, one of each gender. In this story, we see that God is capable of anything and everything. He wiped out all of humanity just to prove a point. This shows that he has insane amounts of power and that what he says goes. God is an interesting character in the way that he knows everything that will happen in the future, yet he still chooses to kind of mess with people's lives. If I had the power to know everything, I'd make the world a better place. This is what we learned and characterized about god.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Adam and Eve: The Eviction From the Garden of Eden

I would blame God for Adam and Eve being evicted from The garden of Eden. God is a very interesting character in the sense that he knows everything, yet he chooses to mess with people and give them hell. Technically, God created everything including the Tree, the serpent, and Eve. When god created the tree, he knew that someone would one day eat from it and ruin humanity forever. When he created the serpent, he knew that it would one day be cursed and have to slither on its stomach for eternity. When god created Eve, he knew that she or any human would one day eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In a way, God kind of programs our minds to do things even though we know they aren't right. It is human nature when someone tells you to not do something, to do it spite of instructions. God knew that this would all happen and that the world would never be the same, but he still chose to ruin humanity and society forever, starting with evicting Adam and Eve fro, the Garden of Eden.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Flood Myths: Sumeria vs. Ireland

The Irish flood story is similar, yet different to the Flood talked about in the Epic of Gilgamesh. In both the flood stories of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Irish, a flood wipes out the majority of humanity. In the story of Uta-napishti, he was the lone survivor and he was the only person warned about the flood by the gods. The flood lasted 6 days and 6 nights. In the story of the Irish flood, the "higher power" warned Cessair, a woman, to tell her village to escape to the western edge of the world, 40 days before the flood. In the Irish story, three men and three women survived the trip to the edge of the Western world. Each woman was given a male partner. Sadly two of those men died before the flood occurred and there was only one male survivor, Fintan. For being the only survivor, he becomes a salmon and later an eagle and a hawk, living for 5,500 years after the Flood, whence he becomes a man again and recounts Ireland's history. In the Epic of Gilgamesh Uta-napishti was the only survivor of the flood and of the Gods punished him with immortality. The stories are similar because they both tell of a flood that almost wiped out the human race but chose one lone survivor to keep humanity thriving.


Welcome to My Corner of the Internet

Hello readers! My name is Andie Weiner and this is my first blog post. I just started ninth grade at Roslyn High School and this is for my Freshman Humanities Class. I am eager to start such an interesting and exciting project. This is going to document my year in English class and my progress and growth as a student. These projects will vary from videos, to essays, and stories. About me, I love theater and music and hope to one day be on Broadway or in the musical theater business. I also love The Office, and I march in the marching band. That's about me! Hope you enjoy it!